
Watching Frozen for the first time tore me to bits.

Although I am no ice queen, something about Elsa’s plight really tugged at me.

Conceal your gifts.

Don’t use your power.

People will be scared. They won’t know what to do with you. Be a good girl, play along, and you’ll be fine.

Does this sound familiar? As a girl and young woman, I heard this message in subtle and not so subtle ways.

I spent so much effort trying to conceal what I was good at, not let anyone know my grades, never be caught strutting my stuff. Letting my voice be heard was exhilarating but terrifying too. What if someone accused me of showing off?

As women, we are living in a world that is deeply uncomfortable with our power and authentic strengths.

Elsa tries to conceal her special powers, but this only makes her isolated and repressed. Only when she can escape the expectations of others can she truly “let it go” and discover what she is capable of creating.

Though I can’t make a stunning ice castle appear out of thin air, like Elsa, I’ve found it profoundly empowering to recognize, name, and embrace my strengths — or superpowers, if you will.

I want this for you: to know your strengths, name them, embrace them. Allow them to be seen, and use them for good in the world.

How does one actually do this? Together, not alone. Looking inward for insight and validation, not just outward. And sooner rather than later.

Learn more about a two-month experience called Wellspring of Strength(s).

Sarah Beller